Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is Transpacorrect treatment?

Transpacorrect treatment is a process of placing a transparent denture to guide the teeth.

2. What are the main benefits of Transpacorrect treatment?

The aligners are transparent and it's hard to be noticed that you have them placed, you can remove them to eat, drink or clean your teeth. There are no metal wires that can irritate your mouth.

3. Am I guaranteed to have straight teeth after the treatment?

Every smile is unique, so your Transpacorrect treatment starts with a consultation. During your consultation, your doctor will help you determine what Transpacorrect treatment can do for your smile.

We can not guarantee a specific treatment outcome, but we encourage you to share your treatment goals with your doctor at your consultation.

4. Is Transpacorrect treatment right for me?

Yes, Transpacorrect treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a invisible method to improve their smile.

5. How can I start the treatment with Transpacorrect?

On our website you have the option to find the nearest dentist who has our product, who can answer all your questions.

6. Can I go to any dentist or orthodontist for Transpacorrect treatment?

Many orthodontists and dentists have our product, but not all. Therefore you should visit the dentists who have our product, which you can easily find on our site. (link to - Find my nearest location)

7. How long will the Transpacorrect treatment last?

The duration of the treatment depends on how complex your case is. Your doctor will determine how long the treatment will last. On average, the time of transpacorrect treatment is one year, if you keep the aligners according to the instructions it will see results within a few weeks.

8. How many hours a day should I wear these aligners?

For best results, you should keep them for 20 to 22 hours a day, you can remove them when eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.

9. Can I do Transpacorrect treatment only for upper teeth or only for lower teeth?

Transpacorrect treatment options are available for only the upper or only the lower teeth, or both, but we prefer you consult your doctor for your individual needs.

10. How does Transpacorrect treatment differ from other dental guidance options?

Invisible Transpacorrect aligners are made of a transparent material, which moves the teeth smoothly and predictably.

11. I currently have braces, can I switch to Transpacorrect?

Of course! Doctors are now treating a significant number of patients with a combination of braces and invisible aligners. Consult your doctor to determine the best treatment for your smile.

12. Since I removed my braces, my teeth have moved, can Transpacorrect fix this?

Yes, our invisible aligners can treat all issues of dental guidance from simple to complex ones.

13. Are there any restrictions on what you can eat during Transpacorrect treatment?

None! The aligners are flexibile and they can be removed, so there are no restrictions.

14. Is Transpacorrect treatment painful?

Transpacorrect treatment is done by moving the teeth gently, but some people may recognize temporary discomfort in the first few days, and this is more than normal.

15. Will Transpacorrect treatment work if I wear my aligners only at night?

No. To achieve the desired results, you must wear the aligners for 20-22 hours.

16. Does smoking stain the transparent aligners?

We do not recommend smoking while wearing the aligners because smoking can stain them.

17. Can I chew gum while I have the transparent aligners on?

No, the gum will stick to your aligners. We recommend removing them for all meals, including gum.

18. Can my dentures slip while I'm asleep?

Transpacorrect aligners are difficult to slip because they are designed to fit well to your teeth. Thus, this should not be a concern.

19. I have not used the transparent aligners for a while, will they still fit me?

The answer depends on how much time you spent without using them. If only a short time has passed, they should suit you, but you may feel a little uncomfortable. If it has been a long time, talk to your doctor.

20. How should I take care of my transparent aligners?

You can clean them with a toothbrush and toothpaste and rinse them with lukewarm but not hot water as you can damage the plastic. It is important to clean them after each meal before placing them.

21. What if I lose or break an aligner, what should I do?

If you lose or break the aligners, call your doctor immediately. Your doctor will work with you to make sure you stay on track with your treatment plan, which may include wearing a set of previous prosthesis, or your next set of prostheses. Transpacorrect is always ready to remodel the aligners free of charge in case they break or get lost, this is only valid once per patient.

22. Can I order the invisible aligners directly from the Transpacorrect website?

All Transpacorrect aligners can be ordered only through the dentist that has our product.

23. Do I have to put a retainer after the end of the Transpacorrect treatment to prevent my teeth from returning to their previous position?

Most doctors recommend that anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment wether with braces or Transpacorrect treatment, use a retainer.


St. "Hyzri Talla" , Sunny Hill ,
10000 Pristina, Kosovo

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